travel, travel guide Gennean travel, travel guide Gennean

How to Travel on a Budget

I was full-time solo traveling a few years ago, and I cannot tell you how many messages, emails, and comments I’ve received asking specifically about how to travel with or on a budget… and I truly never tire of it! And when I first started playing around with the idea of traveling long-term, I knew that finances would always be the thing that either kept me going or never let me start, so I decided to make sure it helped me travel rather than kept me from ever getting to do it… and I have never looked back.

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My Top 5 Tips for Getting Out of Debt

One of the greatest accomplishments of my life so far was paying off all of my debt a few years ago. Not only was that a huge moment in general, but it also signified a turning point in the trajectory of my life when I was able to really and fully assess where I was versus where I wanted to be, which led to quitting my day job to pursue what would eventually become a few years of solo traveling. And now that I am on the other side of debt, I am often asked about how I actually did it…

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